Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Costumes

Big eyes

Our little princess

... not happy
Ryan and his school friends

Costume change

Happy Mama

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Introducing Natalie

Our daughter was born last week. Natalie Claire G. was born Saturday, October 13 weighing in at 3lbs 4oz and nearly 17in long. Not bad for a 30 week baby; about 2.5 months early.

She is, however, doing extremely well. She was on some oxygen for the first couple of days, but came off those tubes right away. Her other lines have been done away with as she's doing very well without them. She's only on the feeding tube and will be for a few more weeks till she's old enough to eat on her own.

We're hoping to have her home from the hospital by Thanksgiving.

Big brother having fun with some friends that day.

Mom and new born Natalie

Dad gets his turn

A lovely princess' smile

Monday, July 30, 2012

Catching Up on Some Pics

Someone likes corn :)
No, wait, this is his favorite
His Favorite Superhero

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall Photos



Wearing Daddy's Shoes

Eating a crepe (my Dad's recipe)

 Eating a taco

Nate's Butt Farm

(Click on photos to see them larger)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One Whole Year

Just today he weighed in at 24lbs 8oz (75th percentile) 31" long (86th percentile). He walks everywhere now and doesn't sit still at all.

Here's just a bunch of photos: him playing inside his toy box, looking cool with long hair, looking cool with short hair (his fourth haircut), his birthday cake, the (sigh) lion costume (his mom's idea, but he does look adorable), the mom's doing the hula hoop, the cat (Koomori) lying on his blanket in the sun, and him being really tired tonight and just lying down on our bedsheets on the floor (yes, they're in the laundry now)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

He's Walking

Time to get those safety gates up and buy that monkey backpack with the tail / leash.

PS. Clicking the picture opens up the movie.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Introducing Ryan

We had our son yesterday. Ryan Dayton G. was born April 16, 2009, weighing in at 7lbs 12oz and 20.5 in long.

Mom was pushing for nearly 4 hours when the doctor told us he wasn't coming out naturally; so, we opted for a C-section. Turned out that was a good decision as his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, twice.
Ryan and his mother are doing well. Dad is tired. I'm at home, briefly, to get some new clothes and feed the cats (who have no idea what's in store for them). I'm heading back to the hospital right after this.

He's a pretty cool little boy. He's been fairly quiet, though he started to use his lungs this morning. We'll be staying at the hospital for a few more nights to make sure mom is recovering from her surgery properly. Then, we'll head home for a brand new life.

I'll post more later and hopefully make a few of my friends stop calling me the worldest worst blogger.